What I am going to be doing...

I'm heading out to Big Bend in Swaziland to volunteer for a year with the charity Project Trust! What I will be doing while out there is very varied and has a lot of scope for change and doing lots of different things throughout the year. I am going to be teaching 3-5 year olds in a number of different pre-schools during the days. In the evenings I will be running a soup kitchen for malnutritioned children and adults and helping out in the girl's hostel which I will will be staying in. I will also be involved in extra-curricular activities, such as sports clubs and tutoring.

Wednesday 10 August 2011

4 weeks today!

Okay, so it's 4 weeks today until I leave (not long at all!!!), so I feel this is a good time to update you lovely people (and myself) on how preparations are going.

Currently, I just have a "to take to Swaziland" pile in my room, and it is in no sort of order whatsoever. I have managed to purchase a rucksack, a radio, a penknife, some clothes and a large collection of suntan lotion (can thank my mother for that one). Absolutely in love with my penknife! A Swiss Army Knife Champ to be exact, and yes, it is the biggest one with the most gadgets!

Tomorrow (Thursday 11th August) has been dedicated for raiding the shops of Edinburgh in search of some skirts for teaching and a suitable teaching shoes!
And then it's off to Go Outdoors, trailing a long list of essentials that must be bought! These include:
  • headtorch
  • waterbottle
  • mosquito net
  • waterproof
  • first aid supplies
  • water purifier
  • fleece
  • waterproof
Then I'm pretty much done and the only challenge left facing me will be trying to fit all this (^^^) and much, much more into a 65 litre rucksack and keep it under 20kg! (impossible I hear you say! We shall see...)

In other news, my room is a complete tip as I attempt to clear it out. I have so far clearned out 8 drawers, using up a total of 8 bin bags (!!!) and still have my dreaded cupboard to do! Clothes and shoes are being packed away safely for my return (although my sister keeps trying to take things) and I have a nice wee box of "things I would like to keep".

My leaving party has been organised (largely thanks to my mother) and I am pleased to announce that I do have more than 20 people attending. Success!

So really, if you have managed to continue reading this till the end, you have just had an insight into the hectic life of someone who is leaving the country for Africa in less than a month and can only pack 20kg worth of things! The more I think about it, it occurs to me I have posted this more for the benefit of me, and my brain which is struggling to keep everything in order, than anyone else! I do apologise!

Anyway, I shall post again before my departure, updating you on how my shopping trip went and whether I managed to successfully pack! (if you actually care that is...)

Until next time, Hannah x